22-29 June 2012
All in all, I made many new friends during the week, which is always nice. Weatherwise, the highlight was definitely the Caversham Court fair: the wind was so strong that the hats kept flying away :) 25 June What with one thing and another, I have not made any traditional teddies for months. And it turns out that they are like buses: you wait a long time and then three come along at once! Well, almost at once. A week ago, I made one to order. Although we called him Bruce, he has since assumed an alias which I am not at liberty to disclose.And now I have completed two other Teddies started some time ago. So please welcome Margaret the old-fashioned lady bear and Trevor the country squire. 21 June This year, I once again went to Ascot on Ladies' Day. We were showing the collection of hats we had made specially for the occasion at Adrienne Henry Millinery.
For the first time in my life I even won something when I bet on a horse (don't ask me what its name was - I honestly don't remember). 14 June
16 May
. 14 April 2012 I am still heavily involved in the British Alpaca project. Over the last few weeks, I have made several Teddies from alpaca fabrics. You will be surprised at the variety of fabrics made from or with alpaca wool! It all depends on what, if anything, is added to the wool when weaving it.For my Teddies, I used both traditional alpaca mohair and pencil-stripe woolen fabric. Some teddies were made entirely of the latter - these were the red-eyed twins Ainsley and Brinsley; in others (Albert and Brian) pencil stripes were only used for the inserts in their ear and on their paws. I made all sorts of other things from alpaca wool too: hair clips, hair bands, toy teddies and, of course, alpaca-stuffed Wacky Bunnies. I also decorated children's straw hats. It may not be obvious from the photos, but no too hats are the same! So today I took all my alpaca stuff to the wonderful Animal Farm Weekend at Wellington Country Park. Here you can see me with some other members of the "Alpaca Ladies' Mafia" at the event. |