A Bear family

Sasha's Bears

A Bear family

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28 March 2011

My dress at Adrienne Henry Millinery Something I am really proud of is my new flapper dress, which I have just finished for Adrienne Henry Millinery.

It is in the style of the late 1920s, the era of jazz, the Foxtrot and the Charleston.

It was, of course, Adrienne who was the inspiration, but I have done my best to put her ideas into practice.

Here you can see the result in the lovely surroundings of Adrienne's shop at 25, Harris Arcade, in Reading.

If you are in the area, you are very welcome to visit and maybe even try it on - it is size 14.   

26 March

My fourth teddy this month is Geoffrey, a very kind and understanding bear! Anyone want to adopt him?

24 March

I believe I have made some progress with my millinery techniques (see 3 March). I am now able to create, in one go, a headpiece like the one you see on the photo on the right.

This one, which I made today, is quite small, just 4" in diameter. It has a comb underneath, and this is why it sits tight on your hair.

Much as I like the results of my work, it is the process itself that gives me the greatest pleasure, what with all the beads, feathers, ropes and so on, which I can combine any way my fancy takes me...  

22 March

Yet another new teddy is ready for adoption! Frederick is a bear of refined taste and strong beliefs.

21 March

Decorated bag I have decorated a suede bag at Reworked for Oxfam with a silk scarf, a wooden necklace, and some glass beads. It turned out rather autumnal...

Decorated bag (detail)    Decorated bag (detail)

18 March

Cheshire Cat at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party display For Red Nose Day at Oxfam Reworked, I was lucky to take part in organizing the window display - the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, all in Red.

This gave me the chance to create my favourite character, the Cheshire Cat.

Not sure if you can see it on the photo (and of course, being the Cheshire Cat, he is going to vanish very soon), I had better tell you that his smile is full of golden roses!
Cheshire Cat at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party display

17 March

To celebrate St Patrick's Day, I give you Eamonn! He was finished today and is ready for adoption.

10 March

A new teddy is ready for adoption! His name is Zachary, and he us very keen to go out for a picnic.

7 March

Even though spring is in the air, I have come up with a rather autumnal hat at Reworked for Oxfam... I wonder if anyone is going to buy it out of season...
Autumnal hat Autumnal hat Autumnal hat (detail)

3 March

I have started helping in another very nice shop in Reading centre, Adrienne Henry Millinery! In addition to just being on hand to serve customers a couple of days a week, I am learning millinery techniques!

If you are unsure, as I was until now, what millinery is, it means making beautiful ladies' hats. I hope my sewing skill will come in handy.

Adrienne is a real pleasure to work for, and the shop is frequented by most interesting people!

19 February

I am off to Moscow together with three of my latest bears - Jedidah (see 5 February), Martin II and Frank II.

I am coming back in a week, but they will all stay there with their new adoptive families.

They will have to get used to all the snow...

Frank has a knitted scarf to keep him warm, and Martin just loves winter.

As for Jedidah, she does not mind the freezing weather as long as someone gives her lots of TLC.
Martin II & Frank II

16 February

Continuing my Winter Collection for Oxfam Reworked, I am pleased to present the latest addition:

New hat New hat (detail)

I decorated what was originally a very ordinary hat with a band of silk fabric, a necklace, and some nice silver buttons. 

New hat (detail) To complete the motif, I also used the same fabric to cover the original grey button on the side of the hat.

Unfortunately, unlike my previous hats, which I had been trying on all the time until I was going mad (as a hatter), this one was too small for me.

And so there is still a chance that I won't be completely crazy when the spring comes.

14 February

Happy St Valentine's Day to you all!

Preparing for this wonderful holiday, I made a few heart-shaped cushions for Oxfam Reworked.

Blue heart Black heart Pink heart Purple heart

5 February

Another new Teddy made to order. She is called Jedidah. I am taking her to her adoptive mother in Moscow later this month.

24 January

I have new Teddy ready. His name is Bernard. He is to be adopted by a good friend of mine and move to London.

10 January 2011

I am still very happy working at the Reworked for Oxfam boutique.

I have come to realize that what I like best is decorating hats and bags. The weather being what it is, many of them are definitely wintry. Yet, like everyone, I look forward to the coming of spring, so other projects turn out full of colour and joy.

Quite a few have been snapped up before I had a chance to take any photos. Not that I mind :)

Red hat Green hat Red hat
Black backpack Black shoulder bag
Black shoulder bag Black shoulder bag (detail)

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