A Bear family

Sasha's Bears

A Bear family

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25 September 2015

With less than two days to go to the Market in the Barn in Ipsden, I can give you a sneak preview of another three Teddies I will be taking there, part 2 of my "J Collection".
Please give a warm welcome to Justin the messenger bear, Jordan the indomitable traveller and Julia the tree-climbing daydreamer!

Justin, Jordan and Julia on a bench

23 September

Preparing for the Market in the Barn in Ipsden - remember, it is on Sunday 27th September! - I have made a few new Teddies. Today I can present Jeremy the maverick, his sister gentle Judy, and Johann the soon-to-be-famous musician.

19 September

As I mentioned earlier, Sasha's Bears will have a stall at the Market in the Barn in Ipsden.
The market will run from 10.30 until 15.30 on Sunday 27th September, the address is: The Street, Ipsden, OX10 6AG. You cannot miss the beautiful 18th century listed tithe barn.
Everyone is welcome !

 Jeremy and Judy - two of the Teddies going to Ipsden  

10 September

I have been quite busy ever since returning from our holiday in August.
On top of all the usual things, I have been preparing for the Market in the Barn event in Ipsden, South Oxfordshire, at the end of September. More details here and on Sasha's Bears Facebook pageSasha's Bears Facebook page soon!
Future Teddies in a basket This time I am making several teddies specially for the event.
On the left: The future Teddies in a Teddy basket, watched over by Brown Thomas.
Below: Tools of the trade and some paws :)

Work in progress

23 August

Today I am happy to present a new friend of Sasha's Bears. 

His name is Kevin - he is very nice little dinosaur and he enjoys reading.

Kevin was made by my son Gosha - started many months ago, abandoned for a while, then rediscovered and finally completed today!

 Meet Kevin!  Kevin peeking through the blinds

9 August

Today I completed a rather unusual order :)
The story began a couple of weeks ago. Someone who had seen one of my dry-felted bears asked me if I could make a rabbit and a giraffe - as presents for her two bridesmaids at the upcoming wedding!
What with the rabbit's ears and the giraffe's long neck and ossicones (horns to you and me), it was certainly quite a challenge. See for yourselves if you think I got them right in the end.
The bride was quite happy with the photos I emailed her, so now the animals are on their way to London.

Green rabbit Giraffe Bridesmaids' presents

1 August

Just in time, I finished another Teddy today.
Edwin therefore shares a birthday with a very good friend of mine, and will be my present to her.
Now, here is a little teaser for those of you who like these things:
Although his name is definitely spelt the way it is, Edwin is very partial to orange juice. Go figure!
Answers on a postcard, as they say :)

28 June

After many a bear-less month, I made a new Teddy!
Morgan the thespian bear is a gift of gratitude to someone who helped us a great deal in difficult times.
The Teddy is already with his new owner, and I hope they will enjoy each other's company.
I have another order now, and I am generally determined to devote more of my time to Teddies over the next couple of months, to prepare for a possible show in September. Watch this space!

4 March

I am getting ready for two craft fairs in South Oxfordshire later this month. The first one, Market in the Barn, will be held in Ipsden on 14 March; the second, Crafts for Easter, will be in Checkendon on 28-29 March.
While preparing for these, I have branched into Hippos :)
There have been suggestions - entirely inaccurate in my view - that they look more like Moomin (especially the white ones). Please judge for yourselves:

Three Hippos in a basket Hippo in a basket

Two Hippos in a basket

20 February

My latest Teddy, Rebecca, was made to order - and it was quite an unusual one! 

Rebecca is Susan's younger sister, but she is a police officer! So I had to make the right uniform - the hat, the shirt with epaulettes and the badge, and all the rest -  for her to wear to work!

I am delighted to say that the lovely lady who placed the order (as a passing-out present for her police officer daughter) was quite happy with the result.
"The detail etc. is fantastic. My daughter will be so pleased with her and it will be such a lovely keepsake," she wrote to me after receiving Rebecca.

Rebecca sitting Rebecca standing Rebecca from the back

20 January 2015

A friend of mine asked me recently if my Teddy Bear Hospital could help the Teddy she made for her son years ago. His problem was that, quite a long time ago now, he lost one eye.
And so I was introduced to Wurzel, who was very patient while I was doing my best to restore his vision. It appears that the surgery went well, as today I received a very nice Winnie-the-Pooh postcard from Wurzel. He wrote: "Thank you so much for my new eyes, it's so nice to see my new face properly. My master is very pleased too, he says you are very clever!"
I would also like to say thank-you to Wurzel for the postcard and for being so brave on the operating table!

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